Monday, February 28, 2011

daily image for feb. 28th

I see a man laying down some mirrors on the ally way out side.

I see black, gray, and sepia. It also has parallel lines.

1) odd 2) freak 3) bizarre 4) different 5) strange

I think the meaning of this image is you can make your own clear path.

This image uses the rule of composition because it has diagonal lines.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

daily image for feb. 22nd

I see a lady holding a painting & the water is coming out of the painting as if it was real.

I see blue, white, red , black Their are parallel & diagonal lines.

1) myth 2) tale 3)lie 4) invention 5)imagination

I think the meaning of the image is that things are not always what they seem.

This image uses the rule of composition because it has diagonal lines.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

daily image for feb. 17th

I see a lady who was playing her game in the newspaper eating a cookie with some coffee. it looks like the coffee spilled.

I see brown, white, black & red. Their are some diagonal lines.

1) drenched 2) stained 3) soiled 4) run-down 5) wet

I believe this image means the glass is half empty or half full ether way you look at it.

This image uses one of the rules of composition because it contains diagonal lines.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

1. depth of field is the distance between the object in focus.

2. the difference between small and large depth of field is small depth of field has a small amount of focus and large depth of field has a larger amount of focus.

daily image for feb. 15th

I see a man with what looks like a sheet that looks like the street.

I see greens , gray & browns. I also see horizontal lines.

1) peculiar 2) bizarre 3) uncommon 4) unique 5) strange

I think the meaning of this photograph is about seeing things out of the box. See it in a new perspective.

This image uses the rule of composition because it contains horizontal lines.

Friday, February 11, 2011

#7 quiz

A large depth of field is when you have a small F staff # so you don't block anything out.
Small depth of field is when you have a small amount of focus on something.

In photography Exposure means the amount of light in a photo.

Emphasis is something given great importance in a photograph.

Some of the settings that change in the camera for the depth of field will be the aperture , shutter speed & the iso.

daily image for feb. 11th

I see a sad lonely man sitting at a table with his hand on his head as if he was thinking very hard about something.

I see black , white & gray. their are some parallel lines.

1) abandoned 2) alone 3) solitary 4) isolated 5) down

I think the meaning of this photograph is never do something you might regret later.

this image uses the rules of composition because it has a clean uncomplicated background & also a clear focus on the point of interest.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

daily image for feb. 9th

what i see is a lot of young kids siting in desk out side. it looks like their saying a chant or singing a song.

i see greens , whites , blues , & reds. i see horizontal lines.

1) shout 2) singing 3) song 4) melody 5)combined

i think the meaning of this photograph is being together & having fun is the key.

this image uses the rules of composition because their are horizontal lines it also has a clear point of interest.